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Other tricks and black magic

As I hope you can see from the problem at hand, I've made a major improvement in reducing the application runtime from over 52 seconds down to about 9.4 seconds, but the work is about to get a lot harder. Although you can't see it from the output I've shown you, I now need to make some hard calls about how the application works. From here, if further performance improvements are important to me, I'm about to get into things like restructuring the code to move some calls before others, trade memory for performance, and even try using a different set of collections besides the built-in Java collections. 

But I think all of those things are beyond the scope of this introduction. As you've seen from the examples I've provided, the combination of JBuilder and Optimizeit make for a great tool for solving application performance problems. Now, the rest is up to you. :)

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