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Up: Performance Tuning with Optimizeit Previous: Other tricks and black


As I've demonstrated in this paper, the combination of JBuilder and Optimizeit make for a dynamic duo when troubleshooting Java performance problems. The two applications are great on their own, but the integration of Optimizeit inside the JBuilder environment greatly simplifies this entire process.

In this article I've shown how I reduced the run time of an application from over 52 seconds down to 9.4 seconds, and that's just where the fun was about to kick in. Unfortunately the rest of the solution gets complicated and is outside the scope of this paper, but I think I've shown several easy, typical problems that you'll run into, and how to defeat those problems with Optimizeit. Optimizeit makes you so much more productive, especially when compared to trying to solve these problems with command line tools, that if you use it once, you'll be sold.

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Up: Performance Tuning with Optimizeit Previous: Other tricks and black